Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Live a little, it's good for your health

Written November 11, 2007:

Get real, Live a little

It's late on a Thursday afternoon, I’m standing next to the Frigo café with some friends, exchanging lightning peals of witty banter over fashion faux pas’, when the subject of shoes comes up, and the question of whether to Jesus slop, or not to Jesus slop, is posed. Inoocent enough question, but the answers to such everyday conundrums can be quite enlightening… The comment came out of nowhere, and went a little something like this, “I didn’t wear my pair today ‘coz my feet smell!” all delivered with a wry smile that quickly slides into a huge grin.The sporadic outburst, which should have triggered reactions like “gross” or “siff” in any other context was a simple but powerful show of comfortability within ones’ self and surroundings. Kinda like being able to fart unashamedly in front of a (girl)friend; it shows a certain reckless abandon, the kind we somehow managed to lose between blissful childhood and those angst-riddled teenage years.

I mean think about it, how many people would you be comfortable letting rip around? What proportion of that group is of the opposite sex? See what I mean? We’ve all somehow become so self conscious that we’ve accepted the social farce of living behind screens and masks, unable to cast aside our inhibitions. We act within the bounds of norms and schema’s of acceptable social behaviour, constantly examining ourselves in case of existential 'open-fly’s' or un-tucked shirt tails. Now if you’re lucky, you’ll find a group of people with whom you feel completely and unreservedly at home, yourself; more than accepted. These are what a good friend of mine refers to as the family we are free to choose for ourselves. The only thing I think really limiting the range of this type of social transaction is the level of stigma being attributed to being/behaving in a improper manner, not in entirely sync with the rest of society; in some way sticking out. If people pretended less and just, were, more, how much easier would it be to find and get to know people of like mind and heart?

These people with whom this connection is forged at a chemical level obeying rules of a soul-ore metallurgy we haven’t even begun to conceptualise, can be summed up in a simple yet direct analogy; Peanut Butter People. I’ll explain; any one who has sat down on a Saturday morning, all set for a monster cartoon marathon with a jar of that good brown stuff and a spoon knows what I’m talking about. The first spoonful seems to explode in your mouth as a taste sensation your palate has been voraciously anticipating; you lean back contentedly, may even sigh appreciatively at the evident genius behind the creation of your favourite Xtra-crunchy variety. Next comes the arduous task of chewing, not so easy to do with a substance that isn’t exactly either solid or liquid, and swallowing all that goodness, as much pleasure as a pain in the neck, washing it all down with the mandatory gulp from a glass of full cream milk. Wow! Your palate tells, you, let’s do that again!

This is how I imagine your soul feels when you’re in the company of the people I earlier related as the family you choose for yourself. Always great to have around, sometimes make that imaginary mute-button in the air above their head seem a genius idea, but always there for a quiet retreat into the times in our minds when we didn’t give two rocks what the world thought; we were with friends and that was all that mattered. Peanut Butter People.

Feeling a hankering for Peanut Butter…? Then go out there and find yourself some! But first, get real! Come to accept yourself with all your character flaws and bad habits. Learn to love everything bout yourself, even the quirky if not down right freaky idiosyncrasies you keep getting ragged off about. Once that’s done, finding people on the same wavelength as you will be as easy as drawing water downhill. Always challenge yourself, do at least thing that scares the bejaysus out of you, everyday!

"Just let go! It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything, be anyone… I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve!" - Tyler Durden

 Really think about an answer before you give it, try to listen more than you speak, push the insecurity out onto the periphery, and just… Be.

Peace and Love

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