Wednesday, July 11, 2012

some existential pepper with your primordial soup?

Written in response to a friends' posts, October 1, 2007:

Dude this is the thing I’ve been grappling with for the last three years... if God is in everything, why does so much of the worlds strife seem to centre around Him? I think I might have found an answer, not THE answer, but something to help me sleep without nightmares of a world that is nothing but the Greatest (I don't say this lightly) Practical Joke of All Time [check out he nebula pic]

Let me start at the end, which is the also the beginning... sorry my mind is leaking, haven't slept in 36. Yes, the beginning: God is in everything, ergo God IS Everything.

Scientists haven't been able to determine the exact point in time when the Soul enters the human body, or where such an entity would reside, or even where it goes when the heart has given up... the reason for this i think is scientists flat (in my opinion self-defeating) refusal to acknowledge anything that smells even a little like metaphysics ... let's leave that be for now. So this leads us to the question of what the vital essence of the human being is, what's missing when all the other necessary conditions for the sustenance of human life still hold?

Looking at the human brain and it's normal functions while man subsists, the most exciting thing for me are the synapses that are constantly firing off; from your medulla oblongata which regulates your heart rate and breathing without your conscious volition, to the signals being shot along your nervous system at mind-bending speeds telling individual muscles in your entire body to move in perfect unison enabling you to take a single step.. all this is electrical energy, a kind of energy that is self sustaining, irreplaceable, perfect..

Thinking of the human body as a machine complicated beyond our ability to fully understand, you've got to be drawn logically to a design, and by extension a designer.. follow me into the designer's mind, to look at the Purpose that is programmed inherently into the child of His thought. A knife is designed to perform a specific function, the same with a tennis ball or pencil or kite; these objects can be put to many other uses, granted, but they were designed with one Purpose in mind. Apply this to mankind’s design; try to envision the Purpose in our design, Divine purpose if you will.. What is our purpose? Back to this later..

Back to the energy which moves us; Einstein could find no other justification for the idea of an afterlife except for the principle of Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, simply transferred from one form to another.. Postulate with me that there is an energy transfer that takes place, guided by God's hand, at conception, into the human body, 'sparking' life.. This same transfer takes place at death, out of the human body, 'extinguishing' life.. Where did this energy come from? Where does it go? I think that the source of this divine energy IS God...

If there were some sort of Budget of energy for this universe (which I believe there is); I can't accept that OUR universe is infinite, this notion is flawed in the same way that the IDEA of time is, it's all relative. The same applies to distance and other physically measurable dimensions (I’ve got an argument to support this, but it would take waaay too long to explain here). back to the Budget; all of Creation ( as far as we are able to perceive it) is connected through this Energy, and this Budget needs to be maintained (give or take) the same way that the Earth's energy budget is maintained (ask an EGS student for an explanation, I read about it but can't explain fully yet, give me time) and the bits of it that all these small bits of Gods creation hold while they occupy this plane of existence have to give back their Energy when they're no longer using it, to maintain the balance.. Think for a second of where that Energy goes. In my mind it goes back to the Source, the very Spark of energy that set the 'Primordial Soup' to boiling, Creating, from the lightest element to the heaviest (and back again) what we now know to be our Universe.

God is the Source, the Beginning and the End, the Energy, the Architect...Everything!

But we are still no closer to having an idea of what the Purpose that he programmed into us is... if you figure it out dude, let me, know...

 Okay, I actually came up with an answer:

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